ACR Accreditation phantoms. Large and small ACR phantoms with specially designed software for quick analysis in seconds.
QUASAR™ MRID3D Geometric Distortion Analysis System (Modus Medical) is a lighter, larger and more efficient way to quantify MRI geometric distortion in 3D! Analysis is performed on images for MRgRT, simulation and diagnostic imaging applications.
ViewImage quality phantoms for magnetic resonance imaging. Phantoms comprise of single, duo chambers or multiple tubes to be filled with different solutions to create different test objects (e.g. high field and low field).
Magphan phantoms are designed to perform a wide range of precision performance evaluations of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Scanners.
Quantitative (qMRI) Diffusion Phantom is a commercialized version of the QIBA DWI phantom specifically designed for MRI scanners mapping isotropic diffusion processes of water molecules.
MRI Diffusion phantom is used for calibration of diffuion-weighted (DWI) and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC)